Monday, April 20, 2009

Short & Sweet

It seems as if it is getting busier and busier. This weekend was a blur. Gatlin stayed the night with us so the boys had a great time on the 4-wheeler. We went and ate with John's parents on Friday night and then I stayed busy Sat. with a cake order, fabric order, and funeral visitation. Sunday was church and I felt horrible. I have been dealing with a sinus infection for almost 2 wks. now. I'm too stubborn to just go to the doc. Anyway, tonight was Young Mother's club and then off to a busy week ahead. We have something every night this week. Tomorrow and Thur. t-ball, Wed. night church, Friday Taylor Swift concert, Sat. night is date night with my hubby for his b-day and out anniversary. Soooo....maybe I will have time to blog, maybe not. I also have 11 shirt orders plus other fabric orders. Please pray for me, lol. If only I could stay at home!!!! Today Jace is 23 months old. Just one more month until the big "2."


Tiffany Brown said...


Jace is getting so big and he is so cute but he looks just like you. YOu can see that Amber Sutton meaness written all over his face. Ha Ha Tiffany Brown

The Kissin S Ranch said...

Well try to get some rest in between all that. Happy Anniversary!

Whit and Bradley said...

I'm glad to hear that you have so many orders!!!! Good for you! Sounds like your business is taking off. :)

Amy Barrett said...

Love the baby bunnies! Too cute!

My baby will be 2 in 2 weeks, why is that such a dreaded countdown! IT doesn't seem possible!

R J Designs said...

i just wish i had half of the orders