Wednesday, April 1, 2009


APRIL FOOLS! Sorry, just couldn't resist!!!


Shea said...

You are sooo wrong! I saw the title on my blog roll and knew you wouldn't tell that way, but still wondered...forgot what day it is! You know you probably jinxed yourself into having twin...boys!!!

amber leann said...

Yeah, I knew you girls would figure out right away, you know I couldn't tell you that way! :)

amber leann said...

Oh, and yes, I am way beyond sure that I have probably jinxed myself. That's ok I have 2 boy names picked out just in case, lol!

Mickey and Jessica said...

OMG!!!!! That was good.....really good...

Stacy said...

hilarious. seriously. my heart jumped out of my chest! you are wrong.

Christina Staggs said...

You're so funny! . . .but it didn't trick me! You should have used it on JOhn and not us, now that would have been funny.

LindseyB said...

my heart skipped a beat and just remember karma is a bitch......i'm placing my money on triplets