Saturday, March 7, 2009

Date Night

Today I worked on orders all day while John, his brother, and the boys played outside. Tonight I decided would be a good date night. I actually wanted to go out last night, but John's mom couldn't keep the kids. Tonight seemed to be a better night to go out anyway, though it was packed at the theater. We had to sit on the side at the very top. I was glad we got there when we did. We saw Taken, and it was GOOD! I recommend it. You will have to excuse the tomato face, lol. I stayed in the tanning bed tooooo long!


Ginger & Emma said...

I had to check your blog to see what movie you saw. I'm always up for a movie review. I need to be tanning too. Our bulbs at home need to be replaced and I haven't tackled that chore and can't bring myself to go elsewhere to tan. You'll be all toasty in no time.

kristen g. said...

Oooh, date night! I'm so jealous. We've got a few coming up though, weddings and other events w/ no kids allowed! Hoooray!

Stacy said...

the movie was good, but it stressed me out big time! Big TIME! Sorry I didn't call you back, I figured it was too late?

Amy Barrett said...

That is a sweet picture of the 2 of you!