Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day

Mother's Day was super special this year. It is always special because I am a mother, but this year we were able to have Klaire's dedication at church. We dedicated both the boys the Mother's Day after they were born as well. It was so great having all of my family there and just to know that we have a wonderful church family who will always support us. I pray that all of my children will grow up to know the loving & awesome God that I know & love! After church we all went and ate Chinese and then the guys headed home while us girls headed to the movies. I felt bad taking Klaire to the movies with us since she was so little, but it was time for her to eat and we didn't bring a bottle with us. She ended up sleeping through the entire movie and woke up ready to eat as soon as it was over. What an angel! We saw The Backup Plan. It was cute. Hope all of you Mother's had a fantastic Mother's Day!