Thursday, October 23, 2008

P/T conferences

Today was a LONG day. Schools dismissed at 2 so that we could start Parent/Teacher conferences at 2:10. It makes for a long day when you don't get out until 7, but hey it could be worse. I can't and won't complain about my work hours. Plus, it is only twice a year that we conference. We are SUPER proud of Kylan with his report with all S's. He didn't see anything important about a "port card", until Gammy started asking him how many S's he got because she would give him a quarter for everyone that he had, plus on for perfect attendance. A quarter may not be much to us, but Kylan started counting right away. Tomorrow is inservice, and John will have both boys. Someone may want to call and check on him tomorrow to make sure he is not tied up in a closet somewhere, lol.


LindseyB said...

check on him?!?! just think of how much fun it will be to walk in to him tied up, now would you want to ruin the surprise??? haha