Sunday, September 28, 2008

Pics from yesterday

Here are the promised pics. Beware, there are quite a few. There is also one of an order for this week (I made two, but they are identical), and a pic. of me and John that Kylan took before my "birthday date!"


Shea said...

LOVE your jeans! Isn't the children's museum the best! That's where first grade's field trip is! Can't wait.

amber leann said...

Thanks! The museum was a lot of fun. That's the first time I had ever been. When is your field trip? We go to the Nature Center this Thurs. for one of ours.

kristen g. said...

Hope you had a great birthday! The museum looks like tons of fun! There is one opening soon here, and I'm dying to take Kate!

Ginger & Emma said...

I had forgotten about the Children's Museum. Emma would love it! So glad to hear that your birthday was a blast too. It doesn't seem to matter to me that I'm getting OLD. I still love birthdays regardless of who is celebrating.